In Part 1, Aaron and I explore many different rabbit holes regarding esotericism and high strangeness. Aaron begins by expanding on his earlier presentations that he gave this year on this topic; he's looking at the relationship between technology and magic, and is asking, 'how does technology reenchant the world?' One area that we can find a lot of interesting material is the UFO-field. Aaron talks about his research findings regarding the links between Rudolf Steiner and J. Allen Hynek (a scientist who was working with the U.S. government in its project to study the UFO phenomena). From there, we look at the esoteric ideas linked with this topic, how they developed and have become assimilated into New Age thought surrounding the narratives and ideas found in the UFO field.
In Part 1, Aaron and I explore many different rabbit holes regarding esotericism and high strangeness. Aaron begins by expanding on his earlier presentations that he gave this year on this topic; he's looking at the relationship between technology and magic, and is asking, 'how does technology reenchant the world?' One area that we can find a lot of interesting material is the UFO-field. Aaron talks about his research findings regarding the links between Rudolf Steiner and J. Allen Hynek (a scientist who was working with the U.S. government in its project to study the UFO phenomena). From there, we look at the esoteric ideas linked with this topic, how they developed and have become assimilated into New Age thought surrounding the narratives and ideas found in the UFO field.
Aaron's presentation for the Trans-States conference is not yet uploaded to their YouTube channel, but here's the link so you can check back at a later date:
Dr Aaron J. French: The Magic of Technology: Rudolf Steiner's Rosicrucianism and the UFO Phenomenon ~ Guest lecture for University College Cork's Study of Religions Research Seminar Series:
Dr. Aaron French academia page: (99+) Aaron French | Universität Erfurt -
Aaron J. French (
Hussein Agrama: Secularity, Synchronicity, and Uncanny Science: Considerations and Challenges (
The Basement Office -The UFO Lie: Shocking truth of Pentagon AAWSAP program:
Allen Greenfield: The Complete SECRET CIPHER Of the UfOnauts: 9781718645356: Greenfield, Allen H., Phillips, Olav: Books
J. Allen Hynek & Jacques Vallee: Hynek and Vallee - The Edge of Reality (1975) | PDF | Unidentified Flying Object | Ufology (
Barbara Marciniak Bringers of the Dawn (1992): Bringers of the Dawn | Book by Barbara Marciniak | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster (
Michael P. Masters: Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon: 9781733634069: Masters, Dr. Michael P: Books
Mark O'Connell (biography J. Allen Hynek): The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs: O'Connell, Mark: 9780062484178: Books
New York Times Article: Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program - The New York Times (
Diana Pasulka: American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology: Pasulka, D.W. (
Information regarding Rudolf Steiner's planetary stages of evolution and Vulcan: Vulcan - AnthroWiki
John Greenewald's The Black Vault: The Black Vault - Document Archive - The Black Vault
Hellier Experiments Information:
'Estes Method': The Estes Method: How the Groundbreaking SB7 Spirit Box Experiment is Changing Paranormal Investigation (
'God Helmet': God helmet - Wikipedia
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Additional Music: Stephanie Shea