Dr. Marco Pasi and I discuss the book, _Hermes Explains: Thirty Questions About Western Esotericism_. This episode is a mini-history lesson that covers several different subjects. Marco begins by giving some background about Hermes, why esotericism is confusing to try to explain to people, and also why it's an important area of study. We then go on to talk about one of the essays that discusses secret societies, and the Illuminati, in particular.
Dr. Marco Pasi and I discuss the book, Hermes Explains: Thirty Questions About Western Esotericism. This episode is a mini-history lesson that covers several different subjects. Marco begins by giving some background about Hermes, why esotericism is confusing to try to explain to people, and also why it's an important area of study. We then go on to talk about one of the essays by Dr. Henrik Bodgan, titled "Is it true that secret societies are trying to control the world?" that discusses secret societies, and the Illuminati, in particular.
Website HHP Centre: https://www.amsterdamhermetica.nl/
Website ESSWE: https://www.esswe.org/
The Corpus Hermeticum: https://hermetic.com/texts/hermetica/index
Hermes in the Academy (pdf): https://www.academia.edu/43196454/Hermes_in_the_Academy
Zanoni by Edward Bulwer Lytton: http://www.moup.org/Files/Edward_Bulwer_Lytton-Zanoni.pdf
Wiki page about Abbot Barruel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustin_Barruel
Wiki page about Adam Weishaupt/ Bavarian Illuminati: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Weishaupt
Wiki page about the Dreyfus Affair: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair
Marco Pasi on Academia.edu: https://uva.academia.edu/MarcoPasi
Henrik Bodgan on Academia.edu: https://gu-se.academia.edu/HenrikBogdan/Papers